
Institutes of Technology (IoTs) are unique collaborations between existing further education colleges, universities, and leading employers.

They were developed as a response to a need identified in the Sainsbury report to develop and promote higher Level Technical skills, which are required by industry but are in short supply.  They have been underpinned by £290 million of government investment to fund industry-standard facilities and equipment. IoTs represent an exciting new model for skills delivery.

Each IoT delivers courses in one or more technical specialisms, providing learners with a route into STEM-based occupations such as engineering, computing, construction, agri-tech, healthcare and life science. There are 21 IoT’s across the country, who work together as a network to promote and support the development and delivery of higher Technical qualifications including higher and degree apprenticeships. Together we are embracing new technologies, pedagogies and research, which we share across the Institute of Technology Network.

IoT’s do not just provide training for young people but have a real focus on reskilling and upskilling adults already employed, to learn new technical skills needed, offering short modular programmes and bespoke training as required.

Employers can be confident that people studying at an IoT are gaining the skills needed now and in the future.


The South East IoT was awarded a licence to operate from The Department for Education (DfE) in August 2022. We have been awarded £13 to develop our estate and purchase hi-tech equipment to deliver a wide range of higher level programs and apprenticeships across the South East.

The SEIot is a partnership between 6 Further Education Colleges, 3 Universities and a wide range of employers across the whole of the South East of England. We will have facilities at each of the 6 Further Education colleges, providing local opportunities.